



We offer scissor Sharpening for anywhere in Australia.  Simply post your scissors to us for quick turnaround and professional sharpening.

At Beyond Sharp we know that your scissors are your tools of trade, are usually expensive, and an extension of your arm. A sharp set of scissors is just a joy, when they ride nicely, cut hair quickly and cleanly without pushing or folding, it makes your work easy.


Most scissor manufacturers say to sharpen a scissor at every 700 haircuts, less if you are cutting dirty hair or animal hair. Then a very light sharpen and polish maintains the edge and you achieve a great balance of constant sharpness, ease of use, and scissor life. Like servicing a car, this is cheaper in the long run. Scissors that are loose, dropped, carelessly used and generally not cared for, have a shorter life. These scissors always need more metal removed when being sharpened and in all ways their life is shorter, and that is costing you. Like a car, this will end up in breakdowns and earlier replacement.


We use a high end Twice as Sharp, Ookami Gold scissor sharpening system from the USA that is designed to reliably sharpen hairdressing scissors. This system is ideal for Australian scissors as it can sharpen all different brands, lengths and styles and in almost all cases return the scissor to showroom sharpness. It can mimic the shape, curvature and finish of almost every scissor.


It should be noted that the process of sharpening is the removal of metal, and in time scissors gradually change shape and feel. The scissor manufacturers generally say that the life of a scissor is 5-7 years. Our mobile service is regularly sharpening scissors that are over 15 years old and the stylists still love their old favourites. Sure in time they will need to find new favourites, but lets keep those scissors going for as long as possible. Why buy new ones if your existing scissors can be kept sharp and working well?


If you drop your scissors, or toss them into a drawer its possible to create a nick in the very fine cutting edge. Sometimes this feels like a canyon when closing the scissor, sometimes its just a wee click. Regardless of size this nick will quickly dull the scissor and make it not cut at all. The best thing to do is immediately carefully close the scissor, send it to us and we will re sharpen it, removing the nick. If we cant save the scissor ( very rare ) we wont charge for the work. We cant be more fair than that.


Bevel Edge:
Animal groomer, basic sharpen, tension set $15.00/pair
Animal groomer/barber/hairdresser, full service sharpen (includes clean, sharpen, honing, washers and stops if needed,
polish, lubrication, set, balance, tension and tips) $35.00/pair
Kitchen, Fabric, surgical, general $8.00/pair
Convex Edge, Full Service Sharpen
Hairdresser/Barber/Animal groomer (includes clean, sharpen, honing, washers and stops if needed, polish, lubrication, set, balance, tension and tips) $50.00/pair
Return Postage typically $8.50. Larger or heavier items may cost more.



Package up your scissors in soft packing material such as bubble wrap. It is best to wrap multiple items separately to avoid damage.  Use a Packing Box and pack securely, to make sure your scissors do not move around – this will avoid damage during transit.
Post your scissors to
Beyond Sharp
PO Box 298
Runaway Bay QLD 4216
Make sure you include your return address and phone number, along with any information we need to know about your clippers.
Once we receive your scissors we will check them for any damage.  If they are damaged, we will get in contact before proceeding.

Once sharpened and/or serviced we will contact you for payment and then your items will be returned to you.

Industrial & Commercial

Catering for Electricians, Plumbers, Builders, Sheet Metal Works, Roofers, Fibre Glass Boat Builders, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Installers, Mechanics Workshops and Pet Groomers

Hospitality & Tourism

Catering for Hotels, Clubs, Restaurants, Café's, Deli's, Fish Shops and Take Aways, Hospital Kitchens, T.A.F.E Colleges and High Schools.

Household and Domestic

Catering for Kitchen, Home Workshop, Sewing and Hobbies, Gardening and Outdoors.

Hair Dressing

Catering for Salons and Working from Home Hairdressers and including Sales, Sharpening and Repairs.